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The Waiting Period.

You know how annoying it can get when you are asked to wait when you are seeking for a service (especially if it is one of those wooden or silver framed chairs in the hospital)? Or having to wait in traffic on your way to or from work. Almost everyday of our lives, regardless of whether it’s a few minutes or a couple of hours, we are being made to wait. Now sometimes, we may be in a hurry and therefore hate to wait, or waiting in itself triggers some emotions, but we have no option than to wait at certain times.

Some waiting periods may have you zoned out or keenly observing your surroundings. It may have you take a deep self-reflection or think about a problem you may have brushed off earlier, or certain times, just fixated on your phone. At the end of the day, the focus is not entirely on the wait period. It is mostly for something we are yearning for, which makes us wait anyway. A pregnant woman may fall sick a thousand times during the period of her pregnancy, or even experience painful complications which may seem unending, but the outcome is never missed. She wakes up everyday feeling hopeful and yearning to meet her unborn baby with each passing day.

In life, we are made to believe that each passing day and night is a step closer to our dreams, aspirations and the hope we have for the future. There is mostly a thin line between where we are currently and where we hope to be-the waiting period. Within that period, we must actively build character, resilience, and hope, and develop virtues. In the waiting period, we should be able to trust that God has a plan for us, and instead of focusing on the unknown, or wallow away, we can choose to embrace the opportunity for growth and learning

This period may tarry, be bleak and at times be seemingly hopeless. Just as in our everyday lives, where we eagerly anticipate the satisfaction of receiving a service, the waiting period becomes as crucial as the ultimate gratification we attain. One cannot skip or overlook it.

Sometimes the circumstances may look rough and there is no visible light at the end of the tunnel. We just have to hold on tight to the glimpse of light and the promise that God will never leave or forsake us. It is almost excruciatingly painful and tough. But know that the universe is positioning you for what you are ultimately worth. Because if he dresses the lilies, with beauty and splendor, and if he watches over every sparrow, how much more does he love you? I will end this blog post with the lyrics of a song by Travis Greene titled While I’m waiting, and also with the assurance that he who has begun a good work in you, would take you to an expected end.

What my eyes can’t see

I still believe, everything spoken to me

There’s no word that can come back void

I will trust the report of the Lord

God is not a man that he should lie

Every need he will supply

I will wait, I will not be moved

I believe, I believe I will trust in you

While I’m waiting, I am getting stronger

My faith is rising and I will run on

While I’m waiting, I’m lifting up on wings as eagles

I believe I will trust in you

Share your personal experiences of enduring the waiting period. They may serve as a source of inspiration for others facing similar challenges. The journey may be tough. With unwavering faith and trust in God’s plan, the waiting period becomes a transformative process leading to a brighter future.

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